South Florida Proposal Photographer - Organic Moments Photography

South Florida Proposal Photographer

South Florida Proposal Photographer Organic Moments Photography

When we think of weddings, we think of beautiful, romantic wedding ceremonies. We think of extravagant and elegant wedding receptions. But our minds seldom go to one of the most important places where it all began. The Proposal! We want to be your south Florida proposal photographer.

Here at Organic Moments Photography, we’ve got it in our heads that the proposal is one of, if not THE most important parts of a wedding. Without the proposal, there wouldn’t be a wedding in the first place! And like most weddings, you’re going to want a professional photographer there to capture the most important moments.

Organic Moments Photography | South Florida Wedding Proposal Photographers

Every so often, we’ll hear from someone who has a romantic proposal planned for their significant other. Whether the proposal planned is big or small, flashy or intimate, their question always comes down to this: Should I hire a professional wedding photographer for my proposal?

Our answer: ABSOLUTELY! 

Yes! Yes! A million times, YES! The wedding proposal is a once in a lifetime moment. Like any other special event in your life, you want to capture that moment and hang on to it for years to come. Some of the best expressions we’ve ever gotten on camera are from proposal photo sessions. Expressions of pure surprise and excitement and thrill! But most of all, expressions of love.

We know, it sounds cheesy, but hear us out. There are two reasons why we think photos of the proposal are important. First off, these photos can be used as your ‘save the date’ photos, so you can give yourself a jump-start into planning. Secondly, we are a generation that takes pictures of our lunch every day. Is your proposal less important than Saturday’s pastrami on rye? Didn’t think so. So why would this moment not qualify for needing epic professional photographs of the event?

Choosing your proposal photographer

Now, there are a couple of things to keep in mind when selecting your proposal photographer(s). You need to make sure the photographer is experienced in proposal photography. Don’t be afraid to ask to see pictures of proposals they’ve taken in the past. Take a long, hard look at their portfolios. Is the style they offer for proposal and wedding photography up your alley?

Also, check to see if they take pictures ONLY of the proposal, as this can be a red flag. Personally, here at Organic Moments Photography, we like to make our proposal photo sessions almost like mini engagement sessions. It’s one of the happiest days of your lives. When you’re there, smiling from ear to ear and on top of the world, of course we’re going to want to get that down on film. We want all the love—all the romance! And we want to capture it in time for you guys so that you can hold on to it for the rest of your lives!

Make Every Moment Count with Organic Moments Photography

We recently photographed a beautiful couple for their proposal in Boca Raton, Florida. I chatted with Max for weeks before he planned on popping the question. 

We had him send us a picture of him and his girlfriend. We also sent him a picture of Josh and I so he’d know who to look out for. I (Erica) told him I would wear a certain color hat so that he would see me right away. Max and his new fiance me at the University of Florida

Josh and I usually go together so that we can pretend to be talking or taking pictures of the birds together. It’s also great having two photographers because he’ll get one perspective while I’ll get one completely different! The result is a gorgeous collection of photos of two lovebirds deciding it’s time to take the big leap and start spending the rest of their lives together!

We are located in South Florida, so people usually come to visit our neck of the woods while on vacation. Needless to say, love is usually in the air here. So what better time to ask your significant other to spend the rest of their life with you than when the two of you are on vacation!?

Please don’t hesitate to Get In Touch with us before taking this leap of faith. We’d love to be there, cameras at the ready, to capture the big moment in all of its glory. Like we said, it’s a once in a lifetime event, and we want to be with you every step of the way!

South Florida Proposal Photographer Organic Moments Photography South Florida Proposal Photographer Organic Moments Photography South Florida Proposal Photographer Organic Moments Photography South Florida Proposal Photographer Organic Moments Photography South Florida Proposal Photographer Organic Moments Photography South Florida Proposal Photographer Organic Moments Photography South Florida Proposal Photographer Organic Moments Photography South Florida Proposal Photographer Organic Moments Photography South Florida Proposal Photographer Organic Moments Photography South Florida Proposal Photographer Organic Moments Photography South Florida Proposal Photographer Organic Moments PhotographySouth Florida Proposal Photographer Organic Moments Photography South Florida Proposal Photographer Organic Moments Photography South Florida Proposal Photographer Organic Moments Photography South Florida Proposal Photographer Organic Moments Photography South Florida Proposal Photographer Organic Moments PhotographySouth Florida Proposal Photographer Organic Moments Photography South Florida Proposal Photographer Organic Moments Photography South Florida Proposal Photographer Organic Moments Photography South Florida Proposal Photographer Organic Moments Photography South Florida Proposal Photographer Organic Moments Photography South Florida Proposal Photographer Organic Moments Photography South Florida Proposal Photographer Organic Moments Photography South Florida Proposal Photographer Organic Moments Photography South Florida Proposal Photographer Organic Moments Photography South Florida Proposal Photographer Organic Moments Photography

  1. StevenGisse says:

    Cool + for the post

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